Ep. 72 - “Free” Online Gambling Games
“There may be unexpected risks and costs if you play “free” online gambling games”
There are lots of options and incentives to play free slots and poker online as well as to get into the action of sports betting without laying out cash. Seems innocent enough at first glance. However, there can be unexpected risks and costs of free online play, particularly if you’ve previously experienced gambling problems.
In this episode of Fold em, we hear from two people who continued to play free online gambling games after stopping gambling. You hear about their reasons for doing so, the challenges it created for them, and how they decided where to draw the line in the sand with these games.
You hear from Marcia who played free online poker after she stopped playing for money (and stopped all gambling). Initially it was a way to fill her time and still get some of the “Dopamine rush” that gambling had provided. However, three years later she found herself putting a lot of time into free poker. It was getting in the way of sleep and keep her mind hooked in to gambling.
We also hear Susan’s story. She has always loved games of all types. When she stopped gambling, it felt natural to keep playing freeslots as well as other online games. However, she found that the games hooked her in to depositing money, either to play longer, or in hopes of getting a prize such as a gift card. Susan said that, for her, “these games were not free.” She ended up depositing money and, on top of that, had urges to gamble again to win it back.
Listen to episode 72 and hear about:
Why free online gambling games can be risky to play, particularly if gambling has created problems for you
How to figure out where to draw a line in the sand with free online gambling games
What to do if free gambling games are taking up too much money and time
Listen to the episode directly from your favourite app
If I’m Not Putting Money Into It, What’s the Problem With Free Online Gambling Games?
Whether you are new to online gambling games OR you’re continuing to play on the free apps and websites after stopping gambling for money, there is some trickiness with these “free” games.
Some Unexpected Risks of Free Online Gambling:
If this is your first introduction to gambling activities, you might find it hard to resist switching to the games where you actually wager money. The games will have ads and incentives to encourage you to take this step.
Free games can end up having a cost. They might take up a lot of your time and money. Many people end up depositing money in order to play longer or to reach certain levels in a game.
If you are trying to stop gambling, you will likely find that free gambling games keep your head in the game. That is, playing will keep you thinking about and having urges to gamble.
It might create tensions with the people who are supporting your efforts to stop gambling if you continue to play gambling games, particularly if you’re depositing money.
How Do I Figure Out Where to Draw My Line in the Sand With Free Online Gambling Games?
There might be valid reasons to keep online free gambling activities in your life. In episode 72 of Fold em, Marcia said that she and her counsellor had talked about that these free games would be a less harmful way of dealing with boredom and anxiety after she stopped gambling. She drew a line in the sand for herself that she would never deposit money into these games and was open about this at Gamblers’ Anonymous meetings. Three years later, when she and her partner noticed that these games were keeping her up at night and getting in the way of things she wanted to do in the day time, Marcia revisited whether these free games were a fit for her. She decided to stop and deleted the apps from her phone.
Susan tells us that games were a fun way to fill her time, particularly since health issues made it hard to “get up and go.” When she started depositing money into these games and mentioned this at a GA meeting, the free games created some tensions with some of her support people. Unfortunately for Susan, this led to a gambling relapse which lasted for six years. It was really difficult for her to stop gambling once the relapse took hold. Now that she has nine months free of gambling, she has decided that free gambling games are too risky for her. Susan knows that they will lead her back to gambling and be financially destructive.
How Do I Pull Back From Free Online Gambling Games?
To hear more from Marcia and Susan as well as tips from Adrienne, a gambling counsellor and host of Fold em, about how to set limits or stop playing free online gambling games, listen to episode 72 of Fold em. Listen now by clicking on the green play button at the top of this blog or the red Listen Now to Fold em button at the bottom.
What Support is Available to Help With Gambling Concerns?
To learn more about gambling concerns and how to access resources and support, go to the home page of this website or listen to other Fold em podcast episodes.
Fold em is funded by Gambling Support BC.
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