Gambling Debt
Should I get help for gambling debt?
Are you finding your debt load unmanageable? Here are some signs that gambling debt is a problem:
Only making minimum payments or paying just slightly more than the minimum required
Using one creditor to pay another
Missing payments altogether, not opening mail, and feeling uncertain about how much is owed
Starting to sell things or draw on needed savings to pay down debts
Increasing stress and preoccupation about money and finances
Threats of collection or legal action
The sooner you catch a debt situation, the more options there are available to choose from. If you need help in getting your gambling finances, get started now.
Who can I talk to about a debt problem?
Your bank or credit union
A credit counsellor
A Licensed Insolvency Trustee
A Financial planner
When you meet with a financial professional about options for dealing with debt, they will review your financial situation: your income, assets and how much you owe.
It’s always best to consult with more than one person and go with your gut about who feels the most competent and trustworthy.
Learn more about dealing with the financial impact of gambling