Ep. 7 - Gambling Triggers & Cravings
An essential step in taking back control of gambling is to learn about triggers and cravings. Do it now by clicking on the green play button above. You will hear from someone who overcame an eight-year gambling problem and a counsellor who has worked in the field of addictions for more than twnety five years.
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Paying attention to gambling triggers and cravings is crucial for regaining control
What are Gambling Triggers?
When you are trying to cut back or stop gambling, it can seem like relapses occur without warning. In fact, before a relapse, something happens that set off thoughts and cravings to gambling. We call this a trigger and it can be a situation, thought, memory, emotion, sound or smell. Some examples of gambling triggers are:
someone at work talks about gambling
you see an advertisement for gambling
you feel stressed or bored
as you head home you think, “I had a great day”
How Do I Manage Gambling Triggers?
An important step in regaining control of gambling is to recognize your triggers. To do this, notice when you are thinking about gambling or have desire to do it and then ask yourself, what happened just before this? Pay attention both to what was going on around you (e.g., people or places & what you see, hear & smell) and also what is going on inside of you (thoughts, emotions, mood). Make a list of these possible triggers and look for patterns. Once you are more aware, develop strategies to avoid or handle them as they come up.
What are Gambling Cravings?
The earlier you catch the pull to gamble, the better you can fight it off. Why? Triggers are followed by cravings - a strong desire for something - which can be hard to control.
In this episode of our podcast, Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems, Heidi Furrer, a counsellor specializing in addiction, tells us that gambling cravings are fueled by changes in our brain chemistry and nervous system. These changes create a strong impulse to gamble and make it harder to think clearly. So, catching yourself before cravings start makes it easier to resist gambling.
How Do I Manage Gambling Cravings?
Heidi notes that cravings typically last about 15 minutes and peak halfway through. This can be helpful to remember. Doing something to distract yourself during that time can help with riding the waves of cravings.
It’s important to know that spouses and family members can often notice triggers and cravings. Negotiating how they can help in these moments and with preventing gambling relapses can be helpful.
Listen to episode seven of Fold em to hear Heidi share more ideas for managing gambling triggers and cravings. Calvin also share his experience with preventing relapses and overcoming an eight-year gambling addiction. Tune in now by clicking the green play button at the top of this blog. If you prefer to listen from Apple or Google Podcasts click on the red button below.
Fold em is a podcast hosted by Adrienne Cossom and her colleagues at Gambling Support BC. Whether you are looking at stopping or scaling back your own gambling or supporting a family member with a problem, this podcast will help you take back control. Hear from gamblers who have been through it and get tips from counsellors.
If you live in British Columbia and would like to connect with Heidi and Adrienne for free, confidential counselling for gambling concerns, click on the “Contact Heidi and Adrienne” button below.
To learn more about gambling concerns and how to access resources and support, go to the home page of this website OR click on the red “Learn More” button below.