Ep. 8 - Why Can’t I Stop Gambling? Let’s Look at Your Nervous System for Answers
Listen now to this episode of our podcast, Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems, and learn about the important connections between gambling, stress, and anxiety.
Tap into the wisdom and experience of a man who overcame a 30-year gambling problem and a counsellor who has specialized in addictions and the autonomic nervous system for 25-years.
If you would like to check out other episodes of our podcast, Fold em: Help for Gamblng Problems, click on the red button below. Be sure to subscribe and then you won’t miss out on the latest show.
An essential part of regaining control of a gambling problem is learning ways to recognize and settle down stress and anxiety
In my conversation with Jon for this episode of our podcast, Fold em: Help for Gambling Problems, he described what it felt like when gambling was active in his life. He remembers living with constant anxiety and stress and feeling physically ill and exhausted as he struggled with mounting problems from the financial loss and the strain of trying to deal with it on his own. Jon also reports that when he was gambling, he experienced a break from the stress and worry. The break came in the form of hope - that a win could be just around the corner and he would have a way out. Perhaps you recognize this description. Jon’s experience is very common.
How Does Addiction Impact Our Nervous System?
Lindy Devine, who has worked as a counsellor in the field of addictions and trauma for 25-years joins me in this episode of Fold em. She explains that when addiction is active, people get stuck in an automatic and unhealthy loop with their autonomic nervous system. This loop involves moving back and forth between a state of high activation which is commonly known as the flight or fight response into a more immobilized or freeze response. This freeze response is like the emergency brake on a car and suddenly slows things down. However, this slow down doesn’t feel very good. Instead, people note that they can’t think straight, have no energy but can’t settle down, and struggle with feelings of shame and hopeless.
We all experience the fight, flight or freeze response when feeling threatened or unsafe. It happens automatically and has an important role in our nervous system. However, spending two much time in these states makes it extremely difficult to do what is needed to get out of gambling problems - connecting with people who can help, thinking through problems, and moving forward with a plan of action.
Why is it Helpful to Learn About Your Nervous System When Addressing a Gambling Problem?
Learning about the ways the autonomic nervous impacts people during addiction is so important for recovery. It helps to understand the chaotic and stressful internal world that people struggle with when gambling and to appreciate the challenges of regaining control. It’s not as straightforward or easy as just stopping. In addiction, people are living with a dysregulated nervous system and they may not have the skills to settle it down. However, the good news is that these skills can be developed. This involves getting better at recognizing when your nervous system is dysregulated and practicing ways to soothe and coax it into a more relaxed state.
Listen to episode eight of Fold em, to learn more from Lindy and Jon about the connections between the autonomic nervous system and gambling problems. Tune in now by clicking on the green play button at the top of this blog or listen through Apple or Google Podcasts by clicking on the red button below.
Fold em is a podcast hosted by Adrienne Cossom and her colleagues at Gambling Support BC. Whether you are looking at stopping or scaling back your own gambling or supporting a family member with a problem, this podcast will help you take back control. Hear from gamblers who have been through it and get tips from counsellors.
If you live in British Columbia and would like to connect with Lindy Devine for free problem gambling counselling, click on the “Connect with Lindy” button below.
To learn more about gambling concerns and how to access resources and support, go to the home page of this website OR click on the red “Learn More” button below.