Fold em Podcast:
Help for Gambling Problems
Hear real stories of inspiration and motivation, knowing you’re not alone
Ep. 81 - Feeling Better: Managing Chronic Pain and Gambling
Did you know that living with chronic pain and health issues increases your risk for gambling problems? Keep reading and listen to this episode to find out why. Plus, the importance of getting help for pain and illness as part of recovery.
Ep. 77 - Good Grief: Don’t Let Gambling Take You Out
Grief and loss can trigger gambling problems. Learn why this happens and how to help yourself if you’ve been struggling with both issues. Personal stories and tips from a counsellor are shared.
Ep. 75 - Answers to Common Questions About problem gambling
What causes gambling problems? Does treatment work? Can medication help with urges? Keep reading and listen to this episode to hear answers to these questions.
Ep. 74 - Gambling Urges: What’s Going on in the Brain
Learn more about gambling urges and what’s going on in the brain. Why urges happen. How to recognize your triggers and urges. How to cope with and decrease urges. Understanding more will help you to have more control.
Ep. 51 - Getting Your Spark Back as you Face Gambling Problems
As you face gambling problems, it’s common to feel low, stressed and anxious. Often these feelings persist even when you do things to feel better. Keep reading and listen to this episode of Fold em, to learn why gambling problems pull down your mood and what will help get your spark back.
Ep. 40 - Why Can’t I Stop Gambling: Let’s Look at the Brain for Answers
When gambling gets out of control, it’s a frustrating cycle of trying to pull back but then being pulled in again. This isn’t a sign of weakness. Learn about changes in the brain with gambling problems and how to re-wire your brain to have more control.
Ep. 32 - Adult ADHD: Living Well and Managing Risk for Gambling Addiction
If you live with ADHD and gamble, keep reading. We’ll explain why individuals with ADHD are more at risk for gambling problems. We offer tips for keeping gambling in check. If you’ve decided to stop, we guide you through strategies specifically for adults with ADHD for staying stopped.
Ep. 31 - ADHD and Gambling Addiction: Understanding the Connection
If you gamble and have ADHD there is a greater risk that gambling can become a severe problem. Learn about the signs and symptoms of adult ADHD and why it increases the risk for gambling problems. Take an adult ADHD self assessment and find links for more resources.
Ep. 9 - Gambling Stress & Anxiety
Gambling problems are stressful for everyone involved. In this episode, learn about the impact of addiction, stress and anxiety on your nervous system and strategies to feel better. Tune in - this one will inspire!
Ep. 8 - Why Can’t I Stop Gambling? Let’s Look at Your Nervous System for Answers
Why is it so hard to pull back from gambling? In this episode, we learn about the connection between our nervous system and addiction. Our two guests bring many years of experience and wisdom to this topic.
Ep 6 - Why is Gambling Addictive?
Tune in to this episode to better understand why gambling can change from feeling fun to being stressful and all-consuming. Hear from a former gambler and counsellor about how to get out of the cycle of gambling and stay out.