Fold em Podcast:
Help for Gambling Problems
Hear real stories of inspiration and motivation, knowing you’re not alone
Ep. 87 - Sports Betting is Taking More Than It’s Giving
Sports betting has exploded in popularity. If you’re finding that betting with friends is turning into a habit that’s taking up more and more time and focus, keep reading and listen to this episode. We offer guidance on how to step back.
Ep. 63 - Sports Betting: A Hidden Problem on Campuses
About 67% of college students bet on sports in the U.S. But, the tricky thing is that when it becomes a problem, it is typically hidden. Hear Saul’s story of sports gambling getting out of control in college and what helped him to stop.
Ep. 62 - Getting Your Time Back From Daily Fantasy Sports
Daily Fantasy Sports seems fun … until it isn’t. There are some tricky aspects of daily betting on lineups that can lead to problems. Hear Steve’s experience with this and how to recognize warning signs in yourself and others.
Ep. 54 - Is it Time to Retire From Sports Betting?
With more online access to sports betting, many are finding it has become a habit that takes up more and more of their headspace. Hear from someone from the United Kingdom who lived with this habit for 15-years and recently “retired” from sports betting.
Ep. 45 - Sports Betting: The Downside of Getting Into the Action
We’ve all seen the ads encouraging us to give sports betting a try. Hear from Joel Soper who has been a sports better for 35-years about why live sports betting is something to be wary of. Learn how to pull out of the action if it’s causing problems.
Ep. 37 - Sports Betting Got the Best of Me: Here’s What I Did About It
Hear Rob’s story of trying to win his way out of debt and what happened when family stepped in. Learn how he found another solution to his money problems, got back on his feet and 10-months bet-free.
Ep. 33 - Sports Betting: When the Losses Pile Up
Advertising for sports betting has expanded as have opportunities to place a bet. However, the public conversation is pretty silent about gambling problems associated with sports betting. Hear a personal story about sports betting addiction and learn what to do about it.