Ep. 87 - Sports Betting is Taking More Than It’s Giving

Just keep counting how many times you log in and deposit money ... or how many times you’ve been told about a good bet and it entices you in. And, if it has crept up, then keep an eye on it. And if you feel like it’s too much, speak to someone about it.
— James

With easy access to sports betting, many people are finding it has become a daily habit. Over time, it can take up more time and focus, and stall your life. In this episode of Fold em, hear from James, a passionate traveller and podcaster, who was swept into this world but has since reclaimed his life. We delve in the impact of sports betting on James, his decision to step back from it, and how he has rediscovered joy in other passions.

Listen to episode 87 and hear about:

  • Taking an honest look at the time, energy and money going into sports betting

  • How to pull back from sports betting

  • What to say to friends, when you decrease or stop

  • How to handle free time and boredom when you’re gambling less



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What’s the Difference Between Sports Betting for Fun vs a Harmful Habit?

In this episode of Fold em, James tells us that he initially viewed sports betting as a harmless pastime, a fun way to add excitement to the sports he loved. However, over time, the routine of betting grew into something more consuming, and he began noticing signs that his hobby was becoming a problem.

  • Increasing Time Commitment: James found himself frequently checking betting apps throughout the day, placing small but frequent wagers, and scheduling time around games, which began taking up more of his attention and energy.

  • Financial Impact: Though each bet was initially small, the cumulative effect became significant. James realized he was regularly spending money he’d rather have saved or invested elsewhere, with little return.

  • Short-Term Focus: Sports betting kept James in a cycle of instant gratification, distracting him from longer-term goals in his career and personal life.

As he reflected, James recognized how much he was investing in something that ultimately left him unfulfilled. “I was getting caught up in it, day after day,” he said, acknowledging how betting had started to influence his decisions, time, and priorities in subtle but pervasive ways.


How to Take a Step Back From Sports Betting

Realizing the toll that betting had taken on his life, James made the difficult decision to step back. This wasn’t an overnight change but rather a gradual process with several key steps:

  • Setting App Restrictions: James knew accessibility was a challenge, so he blocked his accounts on betting apps, using self-exclusion tools to prevent logging in.

  • Limiting Social Influence: James also decided to leave a group chat where friends discussed bets. Although he valued these friendships, he recognized that the constant betting talk was triggering.

  • Tracking Financial Impact: Reviewing his betting history and adding up his losses, James saw how much the habit had cost him—not only financially but in the time he could have spent building his career.

  • Seeking Support: James sought help from a counsellor who guided him through the process of detaching from the habit and provided ongoing support.

  • Telling Friends: To let his friends know about his decision, James used a light-hearted approach, telling them he was “retiring” from betting. While he wanted to maintain the friendship, this phrasing allowed him to set boundaries without inviting additional pressure or questions.


What To Do With My Free Time? Can I Still Enjoy Watching Sports?

Since stepping back from sports betting, James has embraced activities that bring him lasting fulfillment and a renewed sense of purpose. With the time and energy once spent on betting, he’s invested in projects that align with his true passions, making his life more meaningful:

  • Setting Long-Term Goals: Moving away from the short-term focus of betting, James now sets meaningful goals for his personal and professional life. His travel podcast, “Winging It Travel Podcast,” has become a rewarding pursuit that lets him connect with others and dive into topics he loves. This shift to long-term thinking has given him a greater sense of direction and motivation.

  • Exploring New Hobbies: Replacing the thrill of betting with engaging pastimes, James rediscovered hobbies like playing guitar. These activities offer a deeper satisfaction that lasts longer than a quick win, helping him relax and enjoy his free time.

  • Enjoying Sports with a New Perspective: Without the urge to place bets, James has found that he can still watch sports, but now with a different mindset. “I enjoy it without needing the thrill of having money on the line,” he reflected. While he may not watch as frequently as before, the experience has become more enjoyable and relaxed.

Reflecting on this new chapter, James shared, “I’m building something real and meaningful. It’s not about quick wins anymore; it’s about growing into the life I want.” By focusing on these fulfilling pursuits, he’s found greater happiness and balance, proving that stepping away from betting has opened the door to a richer, more rewarding life.


Related Fold em Episodes

You can hear another insightful conversation with James in an earlier episode of Fold em. He talks about how sports betting progressively took up more and more time and focus in his twenties, the impact this had on him, and what worked for him as he decreased and evetually stopped gambling Listen now to episode fifty four of Fold em by clicking on the play button below.


What Support is Available to Help With Gambling Concerns?


To learn more about gambling concerns and how to access resources and support, go to the home page of this website or listen to other episodes of Fold em.

Fold em is funded by Gambling Support BC.

We welcome your feedback and ideas for topics for upcoming episodes. Reach out through the Contact Us page on this website or through email at Foldempodcast@gmail.com.


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Ep. 88 - Acceptance: A Crucial Step In Overcoming Gambling Problems


Ep. 86 - Someone I Care About Is Struggling With Gambling: Now What?